Building on recent international successes, Lorenc+Yoo Design is pleased to announce it has been retained by Vanke of Shenzhen, China to develop a signage, wayfinding, and architectural jewelry treatment for Vanke Tower in Shenzhen, a new three-tower residential and retail development.

LYD is working in close coordination with Greentown Architects of Shanghai, as well as the client’s in-house staff to develop a coordinated project identity, signage, light fixture design, canopies, doorways, and other elements that will provide a modern yet fundamentally Chinese identity for this property.

The final result will be an art deco-themed development with distinct Chinese characteristics taken from the native Hakka people of the Shenzhen region. The Hakka were originally nomadic, migrating from northern China. Over hundreds of years, however, they have become an established culture in southern China, and an integral part of the region’s extraordinary economic growth.

LYD is excited to embark upon this important new expression of modernity and prosperity in China, and will issue updates as the project progresses.

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