As entertainment becomes even more competitive, industry leaders are seeking to create more unified, attractive experiences for patrons and potential customers. Long gone are the days where casinos all looked the same, and nature largely stayed outdoors. Today, customers demand that entertainment facilities pay better attention to creating an illusion that lasts from beginning till end.

To provide casino customers with a more rounded experience, Lorenc+Yoo recently completed a rustic and warm signage and wayfinding system for the new Four Winds Hartford Casino in Hartford, Michigan.

Hnedak Bobo Group chose Lorenc+Yoo to design the exterior and interior wayfinding signage as well as the signage for the restaurant and amenities throughout the casino floor. The design team worked with the casino’s interior designers to develop an integrated, dynamic identity system that features wood tones, natural shapes, and prairie-style flourishes.

The character of Four Winds Casino’s signage is that of a wilderness lodge with all the amenities, including the signature Timbers restaurant.

Stone and wood characterizes the exterior signage, while illuminated signs inside provide the appearance of stained glass. The exterior and interior aspects of the system relate seamlessly, and provide guiding light–literally–to the relatively dark interior lighting.

In addition to working on Four Winds Casino, Lorenc+Yoo is currently involved in other projects with HBG in California, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Alabama, which will be announced as they are completed.

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